Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23 in Goth and Horror History

Mary Reilly DVD, on Amazon

February 23, 1996 - Mary Reilly - Movie - Released

I often turn on this movie in the background when I have a rainy Sunday at home, a fireplace, a cup of tea and a stack of magazines I want to enjoy. I'm not a huge Julia Roberts fan, but the sympathetic performance she gave as the titular character and overall dark tone of the movie is quite enjoyable. It's beautifully filmed, and offers some Victorian-era kitchen and costume eyecandy. Plus, you get the fun of watching John Malkovich chewing the scenery and trying not to overact.


Mary Reilly, at IMDB

Mary Reilly Trailer, on YouTube

Mary Reilly, at IMDB

Mary Reilly Script, at Script-O-Rama

Watch Mary Reilly on Amazon Instant Video

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